
Sql server rebuild system databases
Sql server rebuild system databases

sql server rebuild system databases

It has been verified with ASE Interim Release (IR), and it is recommended that you use the procedures with this release (or later).

sql server rebuild system databases sql server rebuild system databases

This material applies only to ASE 12.5.x and higher.Some points to note before using this information: Recreating a master device and all its databases.This assumes that the master device is intact. Recovering from a corrupted master database.This assumes that both the master device and master database are intact and free from corruption. Loading an older copy of your master database.This document describes three key maintenance and disaster recovery tasks: Note: The EMTSG instructions still apply to the pre-12.5 servers Section 2. It is applicable to ASE IR and higher versions. This TechNote explains how to perform disaster recovery in the 12.5.x server. Due to these and other changes, you cannot use the instructions provided in the ASE Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide (EMTSG) for disaster recovery tasks like recovering the master database or device. The server now allows you to create master devices and databases with 2K, 4K, 8K or 16K logical page sizes. Rather, this functionality has been incorporated into the dataserver (unix) and sqlsrvr (Windows) programs. Starting with Adaptive Server version 12.5, there is no buildmaster program to build the master device.

Sql server rebuild system databases